Fairies WashboardHaworthia limifolia


Origin South Africa
Type Succulent
Soil Cactus mix

Watering Frequency Summer mainly

Suitable for Bonsai


Min. Temperature

-4 °C

H3 Half-Hardy

Fairies Washboard is a species of succulent that is native to Southern Africa. In its natural habitat it benefits from the shade of rocks and shrubs, and grows at an altitude of 1,000 metres (3,000 feet).

This plant has rosettes of fairly triangular leaves which bear distinctive ridges, which accounts for the name Fairies Washboard, and are dark green or brown in colour. These rosettes are 10 cm in diameter. It is fairly quick-growing plant.

It produces 15–20 bell-shaped, tubular flowers, in spring and autumn, which are white in colour and grow on long stalks.

This charming, unusual plant will truly make an attractive addition to your home.

Fun Fact

  • "Limifolia" translates to "file-leafed", and this plant is also known as the File-Leafed Haworthia
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